Thursday, January 14, 2010

My little brother's wedding

For those of you who don't know, my little brother, Ricky, was married on Saturday, January 9 2010. The day AFTER I gave birth. This was not supposed to happen. I was supposed to make it to the wedding on Saturday because I still had 10 days until my actual due date. My blog was supposed to show me in a beautiful dress with these lovely people at the Dallas, Texas temple:

I was feeling fine on Thursday night and I had no contraction pains, I was uncomfortable but that was because of the stomach size. Everything was going fine up until I reached the door at my work. My water broke right as I reached my job. I had to hurry into my classroom so that none of the students would see me with wet pants. I immediately called the front office and had them get me a substitute for the day. I had several teachers come into my room to keep me company and my principle came in to check on me as well, which I thought was nice. Kody came and picked me and then took me to the hospital. I did not have any contraction pains up until my water broke, so you can imagine how surprised I was when my water broke. When I got to the hosptial I was contracting every 3 minutes. My doctor had told me on the phone that she would do the C-section around 1 in the afternoon but this changed when they found out how close my contractions were. My little Ayva came out at 10:06AM and once again, I seemed to have blanked out a few minutes after she was born. When I awoke I was in my recovery room with Kody waiting for me to wake up.
I was not in pain for long, I got to the hospital and got prepped right away for surgery, which was nice because I have very low pain tolerance. The only bad thing about this birth was that Kody was not able to stay with me all 4 days at the hospital. The new hospital rules are that no children under 12 are allowed past the lobby. .Here is a picture of Brisa waiting down in the lobby on the 3rd day after I gave birth, the day they finally let me go down to the lobby. She was excited to see her mommy.
Poor Brisa was having a hard time understanding why she could not see her mom or baby sister. Kody said that she cried at home asking "why?" a lot. It was very hard for me to talk to her over the phone and keep from crying. I must say that that was a very hard experience for me, to have to tell my child that I can't come home and that she can't come and see me.
We surprised Brisa on Monday by not telling her that mom and baby Ayva would be home waiting for her. When the door opened she saw us and her mouth actually dropped with surprise. She saw her sister for the first time, she has asked to hold her every day after school. She loves her so much.

Thank you to all of who have left loving messages, it's nice to read these after a long time alone at the hospital.


Romulo & Lydia said...

She is going to be one beautiful girl...Kody watch got your hands full with those two girls!!! WE couldn't be happier for the two of you! Good JOB!!!

The Jenson Family said...

She's AdOrAbLe Fina! Congrats for your new addition. She's really cute! Thanks for posting pictures of Ricky's wedding, I've been going crazy because nobody has posted any pics of the wedding. Hope your feeling good. You'll have to let me know if the recovery for c-section easier the 2nd time. Congrats again! I'm so happy for ya'll!!

The Nicoll Family said...

Congrads. Ayva is beautiful just like her sister. Allie looked at the pictures and said "awww...Mommy so cute."
How are you? We love you and are so happy for you and the family.

Nielsen said...

You know I got somewhat scared having more children just seeing what my little Jayden has gone through with his illness but seeing Ayva and how cute she is convinces me to rethink it...she is so so pretty