Friday, June 18, 2010

Graduating Class of 2022 & A Trip to Firehouse 1

Our oldest daughter, Brisa, graduated from Kindergarten this month. She is in the graduating class of 2022. Can you believe it? Her teacher presented them as the future class as 2022 and I could not believe it. You just don't think about things like that; it's amazing how quick they grow up. This is a picture of Brisa with her teacher, Mrs. Hopper.
Mrs. Hopper's Kindergarten Class
Pictures of the award ceremony.
Today we had an activity with our play group. We went to visit the fire station and we got to get on the fire trucks and see how the firemen get all dressed to fight fires.
The wheel on the fire truck is almost as big as Brisa is.
Brisa and her friends had so much fun climbing on and off the fire trucks and being able to sit where the fire men sit. She had fun posing for these pictures and pretending that she was driving the trucks.
Here are a few cute pictures I thought were cute. These are just for fun.
Ayva has started to suck her thumb to soothe herself when she is sleeping. It's really cute.
Beautiful Brisa on the swing.
Playing tug-o-war with the primary on Memorial Day.

My wonderful girls and me.

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