Saturday, August 27, 2011


Alright, so our lease on our apartment ended on June 30 and we had no place to live after that. We were homeless for the whole month on July. We were finally able to sign on our house on August 5. Here are the pictures from the listing. I will later post pictures of what our home looks like with our furniture. This might take a while with the new baby and me still recuperating from my surgery. We are slowly unpacking our things.

Living Room
Master Bedroom
Ayva's Bedroom - The blue will later be painted some shade of pink.
Brisa's Bedroom - This room will also be painted pink as requested by Brisa.
Hallway bathroom
Half bath in the master bedroom
Backyard - We fell in love with this yard and nice shed in the corner.
Kody is so excited to finally mow the lawn at his own house. The girls love being able to play outside on the deck. We will be getting them a playground set in the fall when it is not so hot down here in Houston.

While we were homeless in July, we spent time both in Dallas and Utah.

In Utah we went to visit the Church History Museum. They had an exhibit for children about the Book of Mormon. We took the girls to go see it and they had a lot of fun.
This is a boat that explained about the trip that Nephi's family took when they left Jerusalem. Ayva was playing with the fish.
Here the girls are playing with a truck filled with animals.
Ayva had fun driving the truck.
This was a fun exhibit that you should visit if you go to Salt Lake City.

While in Utah we went to Desert Star Theatre. If you have never been to Desert Star, YOU SHOULD GO! It is a theatre that creates plays that involve Utah and Mormon culture. It is hilarious and these plays will keep you laughing the whole time. We took these pictures while waiting to be seated.
My In-laws

Our niece, Karli, was also baptized while we were in Utah. Here she is with her dad. (This is Kody's oldest brother.)
The Allred Family (Their oldest son is missing in this picture)
Here Brisa and Karli are standing next to the cake that their grandma made.
Brisa is so excited to be baptized next year after seeing Karli's baptism.

We were able to go to the Draper temple to seal my father-in-law to his parents. Let me give you a head up if you plan on visiting the Draper temple. They do not rent clothing so bring your own if you plan on visiting. We had not brought our clothes. We had packed them up in the move. Luckily they do have some clothes for emergencies like ours. We got to walk into their laundry room to find some temple clothing that fit us.
This is a gorgeous view from the temple. It is up on the mountain side and you can see the whole Salt Lake valley.

In the same month, we went to Hogle Zoo where they were having a Dinosaur exhibit. They had different dinosaurs through out the park. Some of which sprayed water, moved and made sounds.

This is the Triceratops.
This lovely Veloceraptor would spit out water. Brisa was not very happy when this happened.
I am not quite sure what dinosaur this was, I think it is the Alosaurus.
We went to the bird show, it was amazing. Brisa and Ayva loved it. They were entertained the whole time.
Ayva is following the bird that is flying around the auditorium. They were flying really low and close to all the people.
The lovely carousel ride.
Under the elephant.
This one is the Bracheasaurus. It was in the duck pond. The ducks had fun swimming around this big guy.
I have no idea what this dinosaur is. Sorry.
You can't leave Hogle Zoo without riding their train.

If you visit Utah and drive up Provo Canyon you will run into Bridal Veil Falls. This is a beautiful waterfall that has a beautiful trail. You can also play in the water at the base of the falls but let me warn you, the water is COLD! Even in July.
You can tell that a lot of people play in the water. I am not strong enough to withstand the cold water on my feet.
Ayva did like the water at first but...
then decided that she no longer wanted to walk in the water.
Picture of my mother-in-law with my girls in the trees that lead up to the falls.
Here we are walking away from the falls. Look at all those trees. It is a gorgeous walk.
It was an interesting experience being homeless. Luckily, we were able to live with our parents during this process and we were lucky enough to have been in our house before Naiya was born. We had only been in our home for 3 days before Naiya was born.


Monica McCoy said...

Looks great!

Familia Balanzategui Pastor said...

Love your new home! Super cute!

We're actually heading up to Utah at the end of September. Reading your blog gave me ideas on what to do while we're there. We've been to the Hoogle Zoo but now that they have a dinosaur exhibit we might just have to go again.

Congrats on the baby again! It's amazing how things work out, huh! :)