Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Catching Up

 I know it has been a year since we've updated our blog.  I decided to get us all caught up in one single blog and hopefully I can keep up with everything that is going on.

First, I would like to show you how we get the youngest 3 girls ready for bed after a bath.  We usually give the youngest 3 girls a bath together and we get their clothes and diapers ready on our bed.  I wanted to keep this picture as a memory of everything we did.

We have four amazing little girls who constantly keep us busy.

Zeida is wearing a dress that was made by a sister in Utah.  My mother-in-law made a slip for the dress.

Ayva turned 4 this year.  She loves to make silly faces.  She loved her first year in Pre-Kinder with her teacher, Mrs. Gatica.  Ayva loves the movie Frozen and wants to be Elsa for Halloween.  When we give her a bath and wash her hair she says "my hair is touching my butt."  She hasn't had a hair cut at all.

This last year we did a little bit of traveling.  This is how the older 3 girls sleep when we stay at a hotel.  Zeida usually slept in her car seat during this past year since she was so little.

This year Brisa had her 10th birthday.  She invited several of her friends to come over.  There was one problem that day...

About 10 minutes before Brisa's birthday party, Naiya had a seizure.  She had had a fever that day and the day before.  I found her lying on the floor, not responding, and I was alone with all the girls and Kody was at the store getting some last minute birthday party things.  I called 9-1-1 because I was so scared.  She apparently had a febrile seizure. I had never heard of that before but I'm glad that they knew what was wrong.

Naiya was so tired that she fell asleep on the gurney.  She not one to fall asleep on her own.

She was not very happy to be at the hospital.  She wanted to home and she wanted to change out of these robes.

But, things changed when they gave her a delicious popsicle.  She was very happy, for about 10 minutes, just long enough to eat her treat.

So, our poor little Brisa still had her birthday party but not at all how we had planned.  I had different activities planned out that had to be canceled.  Kody stayed home and wrangled with a house full of girls.  

This year we also celebrated Zeida's first birthday.  She was not at all afraid to dig in.

She loved her cake.

Zeida has a bit of an attitude.  I think it's because she's had to learn how to fight for things.  Her sisters are constantly taking things from her.  Zeida will pull and scream at you if you try to take something away from her.  She doesn't like it when things don't go her way.  She loves to climb up on the kitchen chairs and then onto the kitchen table.  She will run towards the chairs as soon as she notices that it's not pushed under the table.  

And last, but not least.  Our little Naiya had her 3rd birthday.  Naiya is such a trouble maker.  She is constantly running and jumping on things.  We have been trying to potty train her so that she can go to pre-K this year but she is not going for it.  She has no problems peeing but she does not like to poo in the potty.  I'm not sure if she'll be potty trained in time to go to school.

It has been a busy year.  We are still living in League City, Texas.  Just a few miles south of Houston.  Kody is the second councilor in the bishopric in the South Shore Ward.  I am still working as a math teacher at CCISD.  

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