Friday, December 19, 2008

Sledding Fun and Another Christmas Party

So this week we have been packing up and getting ready to move to Houston.  It has been a stressful week but we found some time to go sledding, well, at least Brisa did.  She saw several of her friends sledding so she decided that she would go sledding too.
Brisa had loads of fun sledding but she did not like climbing back up the hill.  She kept slipping and falling on her face.  Her hands got cold, even though she had gloves. 
One of her friends that was sledding was Suzy, the girls decided that they would sled together.  It was more fun that way for them.
Later, the same  day, we had Brisa's Christmas party at her school.  They had different types of crafts that the students could do.  The first thing we did was go cookie decorating.  Can you tell she enjoyed herself?

After cookie decorating we went and did reindeer antlers by tracing Brisa's hands.
We also did a snowman and a gingerbread man.
We then went and saw Santa Clause.  For some reason Brisa did not want to talk with him.  This year she asked for 2 Wall-e toys.  That's all she's been asking for, she always makes sure to emphasize that we wants 2.
This is just an art picture that Brisa drew.  We just wanted to post this up because we thought it was beautiful, she's getting better at drawing different things.  It's interesting to see how much detail kids pick up.  They can always point out things in a picture which we, as adults, can never tell what something is sometimes.  This picture is of a princess castle.

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