Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanksgiving Week

This week has been very long. It was so nice to sleep in and not have to go to school. So for Thanksgiving I decided to make some pies, Brisa helped me, of course, because she LOVES to cook. She did all of the measuring herself, all I would tell her was how many teaspoons or cups were needed and she counted.
I decided to let Brisa make a small pie, I let her create her own crust and she pressed into the mold.
I'm sure you can tell which heart mold is hers and which one is mine. She loved doing this part the most. She used up all the crust dough to fill her heart edges.
This next pictures is hilarious. I don't remember what pie we were making, but there was a certain spice that did not smell the best and so Brisa plugged up her nose while she was mixing so that she wouldn't have to smell it.
TA DA!!! Our finished mini pumpkin pies.
So I was only planning on making 2 pies, a pumpkin pie and a turtle pumpkin pie, which involves caramel and pecans. But somehow Brisa learned that you could make apple pies, I think they told her this at school. She would not stop asking about the apple pie, so I decided to take her to the store and I let her pick the apples she wanted, she chose the Granny Smith apples. In this pictures she is brushing the egg wash onto the crust. She was so proud of her apple pie. She told her grandma and grandpa on Thanksgiving day that she made an apple pie.
Well, this Thanksgiving week has been awesome. I got to see Twilight twice. I saw it on the day it came out and on the day after Thanksgiving with my mother-in-law and 3 of my nieces.
In this pictures you see my mother-in-law, Kay, my three nieces (from the left) Joelle, Brianna, and Jessica. None of the girls had read the book. They saw the movie and loved it and thought that they should read the books. I'll have to talk to them to see if they have started New Moon.
Not only did I get to see Twilight, I also got to see Madagascar, Escape 2 Africa. We took Brisa because we thought it was unfair that the adults were having all the fun. Brisa enjoyed the movie and she has kept asking us to buy it for her. She doesn't understand that that is not quite possible right now.
On the last day of the Thanksgiving holiday, Sunday, we had a fondue night at my awesome neighbors house, the Tyler and Christie, along with some another awesome couple, Julie and Amos. This is our usual group of friends that we have game night with. Anyways, we had 3 types of fondue, we had an oil, cheese, and chocolate fondue with a huge variety of food. We could barely fit our plates on the table because of the huge selection.
And here is a picture of all the yummy food we had. I thought I had a picture of Kody and me, which Amos tried to take, I don't know what happened, our camera is weird. So sorry about the absence of the Allred's. Oh well.
This next picture is of Tyler's mom, she brought some vegetables. Brisa and Allie still wanted to eat so she was nice enough to sit with them and cook them some more food on the oil fondue.

Well, that was all we did for the Thanksgiving week. We are going to miss our good friends at Wymount.

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