Monday, November 24, 2008

BYU vs U of U Football Game

I've always wanted to go and watch a BYU vs U of U game but it just has not worked out these last 6 years here at BYU. So this year our ward had an activity where they reserved a stadium style classroom so that we could watch the game on the big projector. We drove together with our good friends, Tyler and Christie Nicoll and their lovely daughter Allie. We went to the Clyde building, that would be the engineering building, and we had pizza while we watched the game. Well, the game was not so enjoyable. BYU had 6 turnovers, which I learned meant that the opposing team catches the ball... :) I'm learning more about football. The final score was BYU 24 and U of U 48. So we lost. But watching the game with the ward was so much fun. We had cheering for both BYU AND U of U. Kody, my lovely husband, and Kris Yates were cheering for the U while everyone else was cheering for the Y. It was hilarious hearing the different cheerings. The only one to suffer from this was our daughter, Brisa, who was torn between two teams because of her parents. Mom was cheering for BYU while dad was cheering for U of U. As you can see she had to wear two colors, but I won in the end because she wore a BYU shirt!
Well after the game we all started walking back to the J. Reuben Clark building, the law building, and we stopped at the Crabtree building because we saw the statue of Po, the panda in Kung Fu Panda, and I just had to stop and take pictures. So here are a few pictures that we took with Po.I don't know what happened in this next picture. Somehow I was able to catch the funniest picture ever. Go ahead and explain this because I don't remember why Kody was trying to punch Tyler. =)
Well for those of you who have been at BYU and know where the Crabtree building is, South of the Wilkinson Student Center, you will know that you have to walk down hill to get to the parking at the law building. As we were walking down the hill I noticed this big red U on the hill on the eastern mountains, REALLY close to the Y. The U was lit up in red Christmas lights. Can you believe it!?!?! A big U on BYU turf. We had to see where the lights were so we drove around the neighborhoods until we found it.
The lights were lit up right behind this house. We don't know if it was this house who had lit the lights because it was on a slope behind it, which meant it could have been the house on top of the slope.

Whoever thought about this was really smart. It was a great prank. I'm sure it took a lot of effort to get these pictures up there because the hill is filled with shrubs and trees. I just thought it was hilarious. Well, I hope you all enjoy the pictures. Sorry about the blurriness, my camera doesn't do well with night shots. It's a cheap camera, but it does well for what we need.

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