Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Our Month Long Trip to Utah in July

This last summer was SO much fun. Being a teacher is so awesome becaue I get to have 2 months off for vacation. So guess what we did? Yep, we went to Utah. But before that we went to Dallas and spent 2 weeks with my family. I was able to spend my birthday with my friends. (I left these pictures in Dallas, I will update them when I go back to get them) I must brag on my husband. He made my birthday extremely memorable. My birthday cake was not an ordinary birthday cake, I had a cake made out of cocunut covered chocolate donuts, 25 to be exact, piled on top of each other with 25 candles poking out. This was really fun to blow out. You'll have to see the pictures later. He then bought me a watch, which I really needed, and bought me my first piece of actual jewelry, other than my wedding ring. He bought me a neclave and a pair of earring with rubies in it. I have always wanted to have jewelry with my birthstone in it and he remembered that I had said that like, maybe 5 years ago. He is so awsome in remembering what I say. We had some friends come over and we played the Wii and Catch Phrase.

Now about Utah. We spent a whole month in Utah with Kody's family. We were lucky enough to go to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house. Brisa was able to go inside and we were able to talk to her about the temple and get her excited about one day getting married in the temple. Here are some pictures of the temple and of our family.

This fountain is out in the front of the temple. Brisa was asking for money to throw into the fountain. We had to explain to her that money did not go into that water fountain.

While we were in Utah, we were able to go back to Wymount and visit a few of our old friends who still lived there. We even went to an ice cream social where we got to see Bishop Hicks.

We visited the Nicoll family and we went to Hogle Zoo. Brisa had loads of fun playing with Allie. Brisa had spend January through May being bored at home and she was finally able to go out and play with other kids.

Tyler had to sit with Jacob on a non-moving animal.

Somehow Kody did not pass the camera so we do not have a picture of him on the carousel.

You can't leave Hogle Zoo without taking a picture with the big brown elephant. As you can see, Kody too full advantage.

The Zoo was loads of fun. It was nice to go out and do something with people who are our age.
Every year, we go on a family camp out. This year we went to Moon Lake. I must say that Moon Lake is gorgeous and really far, but I would highly recommend it to anyone who loves camping. I'm sure these pictures can speak for theselves.
This is a picture of the mountains. You can see that there was a storm coming. These storms wouldn't last longer than 15-20 minutes. It was nice to have some rain, it kept the weather nice and cool and not too hot.

While at Moon Lake, we rented a small motor boat. We went out into the lake and saw fish jumping out. Here are some pictures of my nieces and nephew and my mom-in-law.

The boat had some oares, which Brisa insisted that we use. Kody would stop the motor right in the middle of the lake and then Brisa and I would start to paddle. All we did was go in circles. She didn't understand that she had to follow me in order to move in a certain direction. But she really didn't care. She was happy just moving the oares.
The lake did have a sandy shore, which surprised me. My nieces enjoyed playing in the sand.
The weather really wasn't cold, but for some reason I'm always cold no matter what. I always make Kody pack up his hoodies because they fit me beautifully. I am able to pull my legs up and curl into the hoodie and stay warm at any time.
During the camp out, Brisa kept following Kaden, her little cousin. She kept telling him what to do and making sure he stayed out of trouble. I think she is completely ready to be a big sister. Here she is giving Kaden a massage on the shoulders.
This was a cute picture. Out of nowhere, Brisa and Kaden had their arms around each others back. I think they were looking at the little squirrels running around.

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