Friday, October 16, 2009

6 Months down 3 to go

For those of you who do not know yet, we are expecting our second baby. I am currently about 6 months pregnant. I decided to let everybody see how big I was since my family in Utah isn't able to see me. Kody took the following picture.
I am so excited for our new addition. We currently do not know what we are having. Kody will not let me find out. He wants to go old fashioned and wait until the baby is born. This is making things harder for me, like picking names and buying clothes and explaining to Brisa that she may not get a baby brother like she wants.
Brisa is currently 5 years old so our little ones will be almost 6 years apart. This is not what we wanted but we had some problems with getting pregnant. Kody and I planned on having a second child about 2 and a half years ago. For some reason I was just not able to get pregnant. We were not able to see a fertility specialist until after we both graduated. These doctors are very pricey and as students we could not afford to go see one. With my new job we were able to afford to go see a fertility specialist. After just 2 months we were able to get pregnant. I was SO happy. We had been waiting for 2 years for our baby and we finally got to have our wish. Our baby is due on January 19, but we'll see when he really comes. We are not sure of when exactly I got pregnant. Our doctor took some measurements of our baby for several weeks at a really early age, we started, I believe, around 3 weeks and then by about my 6th week we were able to get a good measurement which helped in estimating the due date. So we may have a baby a lot earlier than expected or a lot later. We'll just have to wait and see.
So far, my pregnancy has gone well. There have not been any problems. I can feel the baby move all the time. He is extremely active and can give some hard kicks already. For some reason my students didn't hear me say at the beginning of the year that I was pregnant, so for several weeks they had been talking about it to their friends. Finally, two different students in two different classes asked if I was pregnant because no one in their class wanted to ask. I had to laugh at them, apparently they weren't paying attention when I announced that I was pregnant. Now they're all taking bets on whether it's going to be a boy or a girl.
I guess we'll have to wait until January to see what we're having, unless anyone can change Kody's mind. So far, I haven't been able to succeed.


Emily said...

You're such a cute pregnant lady! I'm excited for you guys. I think it sounds fun to wait to find out what you're having but I don't know if I'd be able to do it. Maybe unless I had one of each. Hope things continue to go well.

Chris & Kimber said...

We are excited for you guys!!! I don't think that I could what to find out if it is a boy or a girl. Brisa will be such a great big sister also.

Nielsen said...

So wanted to see Preg pictures...Yah! You look super good...and cross our fingers for a boy to play with Jayden... but if it's a little girl we will love her to death as well, and boy are those little traviesas are going to love playing dollies on her...cute cute!!!