Sunday, January 24, 2010

Funny and Surprising things our children say

Today after church, Brisa asked me a question that I thought was really cute and hilarious. She asked "Mom, is today fast Sunday or slow Sunday?" I could not help myself. I had to laugh at her question. Our bishop hands out candy every Sunday except on fast Sunday and so I'm guessing that this was the reason why she asked about fast Sunday. We'll have to work on helpin her understand exactly what fast Sunday is.
Today during sacrament, Brisa was coloring a page in her Friend magazine about Adam and Eve. The person giving a talk, while she was coloring, talked about Adam and Eve. Brisa pointed out to us that the person talking was talking about Adam and Eve. I was surprised that she was listening to what was being said while she was coloring. Children really do pick listen to everything that is going on around them. It may not seem like they are paying attention, but they really are.

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