Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ayva's Blessing Weekend

This last weekend we had family from Utah and Dallas come over. Kody's parents, brother, and niece came from Utah and my parents came from Dallas to spend a fun weekend exploring Galveston Island. The first thing we did was go to Seawolf park where they have a submarine, USS Cavalla, and a destroyer escort ship, USS Stewart, both of which were used in WWII.
To get in the submarine you had to go to the very top and go through a small door with very steep stairs.
The first thing you would see if all of this machinery...

with the following sign:

I wonder how they figure out if something had been moved, there are thousands of knobs and buttons all over the place. Does anybody really know how to fix the problem if someone were to play with the knobs. Is there still a submarine expert who can figure out the problem? Interesting thought? I wonder, how long it would take?
Anyways, these are the bunk beds where all the sailors slept.

Some of these bunks are right on top of the missiles they stored.

Inside the submarine we had to go through small and narrow doors. Here is a picture of Brianna sitting on the little door.

The hallways were also very narrow. You had to be careful when you passed someone in the hallway because it barely fit two people. Now this was not really a problem, not until we got to the end. There was a room that had a REALLY small hallway. Ayva almost did not make it through. I tried to get her through but she got stuck with the electrical boxes at the bottom so I had to hand her to Kody. He had to pick up Ayva up high and tilt her car seat so that she could go through this narrow hallway.
After seeing the inside of a submarine we went to go see the inside of USS Stewart.

The toilets were not the prettiest things. These sailors had to poop into a trough. There was absolutely no privacy. How could you go in front of another person? Wow, these men really were brave.

After being at Seawolf park we went to the aquarium. I have shown pictures of this previously so I wont talk too much about this. Here are some cute pictures of our adventure.

Torey had a lot of fun being in the shark cage. Doesn't Brianna think her dad is cool?

Last time we were here Brisa was not as tall as the Emperor penguins. She has now grown to be as big as the Emperor penguin. I would not like to bump into them in the wild.

We also went to the beach, near Murdoch's. Murdoch's is an awesome souvenir store. Things are really cheap. I thought that things were going to be overpriced but everything was affordable. So, if you ever come to Galveston you have to stop at Murdoch's and get yourself a little something to take home.

After a very busy day we had to wake up very early the next morning to be at church at 8:30AM for Ayva's blessing. We had a beautiful morning. Ricky and Carmen joined us at church, they were staying with Carmen's family in Houston so they were not able to join us in Galveston.

Here are some beautiful pictures of our amazing family.

I love Brisa. She keeps me active everyday and keeps me talking.

Our Family
The Allred Family
The Rodriguez Family
The dress that Brisa is wearing is her flower girl dress that she was unable to wear at Ricky's wedding because I went into labor the day before his wedding. So, instead of just hanging it in the closet we decided to have her wear it for Ayva's blessing.

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