Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ayva's 1st Birthday!

Our little girl turned 1 year old today. I can't believe it has been a whole year already. We found out this morning, on the news, that Elvis Presley was also born on January 8.

We didn't have a party, all we did was buy Ayva a birthday cake and we figured that she would destroy the cake with her little hands.
She had no problem wanting to touch it at first. I had to hold her back so that we could take a "before" picture.
After carefully grabbing one hand full, she realized that she did not like touching the cake and then started to cry.
Uploading a the video did not work.
Go to this link to watch a video of Ayva with her cake.

It was bath time afterwards. She had some frosting on her feet. She left little foot prints on the bath tub.
After Ayva was all squeaky clean, she opened her present. She wasn't really interested in it until we helped her peel the paper off.
She loved her musical light up butterfly.

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

Yeah! I'm so glad you left a message on my blog - I don't think I knew you guys had a blog :) I loved catching up on your posts - you have such a beautiful family! i'm excited to keep in touch!