Saturday, February 14, 2009

Mardi Gras and Valentines Day

So my husband has been bugging me about updating my blog. He keeps telling me that it's like a journal and so having 3 weeks of nothing counts as beeing VERY far behind. Well Kody, I hope you enjoy this.

Over Valentine's weekend my in-laws came to visit us. Coincidentally, Galveston was starting their early Mardi Gras celebrations. We went to the parade they were having right next to the ocean. We collected so many beads. I have to say that my mother-in-law had more fun than I did. She was out on the street with her hands up trying to get the people on the cars and floats to give her some beads. She collected more beads than me! I took some pictures of the lovely floats, AND FOR KODY I took the following picture of the awesome jeep that he would love to have someday.

Kody and my in-laws also went to the Battle of San Jacinto location. This is where Texas declared their independance from Mexico. This is where they defeated general Santa Ana. I always thought that it was the Alamo where Santa Ana was defeated, guess I should have paid more attention in history class, oops. I didn't get to see this place because I was at school teaching students about the lovely world of geometry.

So apparently there is an elevator that takes you to the top of this monument and then you can look out through the windows to see out into the channels of water. It's a great place to go to see the whole city we live in.

This is the USS Texas, it's the only ship that fought in WWI and WWII that is preserved. WOO HOO go Texas.

It's so awesome when we have parents come and visit us becaue we get to go out and have so much fun. We went to the aquarium in Galveston at Moody Gardens. This aquarium is inside a big blue pyramid. They had a cute activity for little kids. They gave Brisa a little book and they had her look for different sharks around the aquarium. At each station they had a stamp for her to put into her little shark book. She had so much fun trying to find the different stations, I highly recomend this aquarium.

Can you believe the Emperor penguin can be as tall as 3 1/2 feet tall? Well, look at these life size pictures.
On Valentine's Day we went to eat at original Joe's Crab Shack at the Kemah Board Walk. We had some awesome seafood that they get locally from the vendors. The most funiest thing was watching Brisa dance, she had so much fun with the music, here is a video of her dancing. We had to be careful and not let her notice that we were watching.
This is a picture from the top of the parking garage of the Kemah boardwalk. There are a lot of restaurants and different games and rides that you can enjoy. We weren't able to do too much this day because it was packed, obviously because it was Valentine's Day. Can you find the Joe's Crab Shack restaurant?
Well, I hope you enjoyed this blog. Is this good enough Kody? Did I miss anything?

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