Saturday, April 18, 2009

First good storm in Texas

So, as I was making the last post we had a huge storm surge hit us and Kody decided to have a little bit of fun with the camera. It's a pretty bad storm, just watch the videos :)

Here is a picture of the local radar, we live in the pink area where it says "extreme" and the yellow box is the path of the tornado warnings. We are in the thick of it! Here is another video of the storm, enjoy!

This is a picture of the aftermath of the storm. The pond at the golf course rose about 3 feet in an hour and a half and the whole course is just flooded.
Hope you enjoyed this storm as much as we did :)


Monica McCoy said...

Holy Cow! That is insane. This is a regular occurance? Pretty fun, but I would be sad to be outdoors.

The Nicoll Family said...

Wow, look at all the fun we are missing here in Utah. Too bad Tyler wasn't there with you he would of loved to participate in the filming, getting soaked:)
So, when are you guys heading our way? A month or two? We sure miss you and cannot wait to see you again.