Friday, November 13, 2009

Halloween 2009

This year we had Halloween in Dallas, Texas. Brisa spent the last two weeks before Halloween counting down the days until October 31. She could not wait because she was going to be dressed as the Little Mermaid.

We decided to carve pumpkins the day of Halloween because that was the only available day that we were able to. This was the first year that we allowed Brisa to actually use the knife utensil and carve her own design out.

Kody's hand barely fit into the whole in this pumpkin. He had to be careful to not break the top.

Brisa was also able to help her cousin carve her pumpkin that same day as well.

We had planned the pumpkin carving as a fun activity for our lovely children but my husband and my cousin-in-law had WAY more fun than the girls. They decided that they would carve a pumpkin with the University of Utah logo on it. They spent ALOT of time on the pumpkin. They even put their pumpkin in the bathroom, which they could get pitch black, so that they could see what their pumpkin would like like with the candle on. They did this many times until they were able to perfect the logo.

The hardest part was carving the circle around the letter U. They wanted the light to shine through the pumpkin. This is what it looked like in the end.

Here are out pumpkins in the dark, you can't really see the circle around the U in this picture. And, for some reason, Brisa's pumpkin isn't lit here.

We went and bought her outfit at Party City, which was extremely busy when we went. We thought that all we would have to do was buy her the costume and be done, but Brisa said that she needed to have red hair like Ariel and wigs were just too expensive so colored hair spray, which cost $2, was the better alternative. I can't believe that she requested this already at such a young age. I wounder what she'll demand next year. I had to spray her hair red, this was the fun part, and she had fun getting this done to her.

This did stain my hands at first but the paint washed off really easy. It also washed out of her hair really easy too. I would definitely recommend the colored hair spray for anyone who needs a quick hair color change.

And here is the finished product. Beautiful red hair.

Here is Brisa with her costume on.

Brisa and Arianna

The surprising thing to us was that after about 45 minutes Brisa said that she was tired and that she wanted to go home. Trick or Treating did not last as long as we thought. We ended up being out for only 1 hour and that was because Kody held her for the last little bit because she was tired of walking so much. We barely covered one block of my parents neighborhood. I hope everyone else had fun on Halloween.

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