Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Baby Allred #4

It has been a while since we have posted.  There has been so much happening in our family.  First of all, we would like to announce the coming of baby Allred #4!  Shocking, huh?  No?  Well, it was to us.  This was our baby announcement.

We were not planning on having any more children, but the Lord decided otherwise.  We are excited to see our new addition around June 10, 2013.

Since our last post in August:  
Brisa is now in 3rd grade and loving it, Ayva has finally agreed that nursery is a fun place to be without mommy and Naiya is enjoying the bribes from mom, while in Relief Society, to remain reverent.  Our ward was split and Kody was called to be the 2nd councilor in the bishopric of the South Shore Ward, so he has been pretty busy.  Kody also graduated from the University of Houston Clear Lake with his Master's degree and we are so proud of him and all the hard work he put into it.  Fina was featured on the front page of the Houston Chronicle this year for her new method of teaching called "flipped classroom" which she found out about from her principal, it is a very interesting concept and has started to gain popularity around the U.S.

Our Halloween Pictures:

Brisa was a Vampire Witch
Ayva was Minnie Mouse, she LOVED her pink shoes.
 Naiya was a cow, she wasn't much of a fan of her hood.
 We had a tri-ward trunk or treat and had so much fun with the amount of people and cars that showed up.
 Last year, Kody and I decided that we needed to match as a couple.  Kody dressed up as a washer and I dressed up as dirty laundry while carrying Naiya in a basket.  This year, in record time, I made us our Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head costume out of felt.  It was very easy and cheap.  Can't wait to see what we come up with for next year.

Christmas Pictures:

This year we took our pictures at Kat's Photography.  Carina, the photographer, is a very fun person and amazing.  The girls had so much fun playing with the snow.

We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!

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